Thursday, June 28, 2012

Author Blog Challenge - Day 27

What has been the best part of participating in the Author Blog Challenge? What are your suggestions for improving the next Author Blog Challenge?

This challenge has been one of the best things I've done! My page views went from 1,300+ views/month to 3,725 views/month as of this post.....the increase is HUGE!!! But that's not the best part of this experience, meeting so many authors and reading their blogs has been invaluable!

Some time ago I joined another challenge called 40 Days of Writing, it was not as structured so after the third day my writing consisted on text and chat messages! These are things I liked about the Author Blog Challenge:

  1. The Prompts!! It was easy having a guide I could use as a topic everyday, coming up with new subjects would have been very difficult to keep up for 28 days. 
  2. The Facebook Page. Adding my posts on Facebook gave me a sense of accountability and a way to have a check mark on each day.
  3. The Authors. Everyone has been very friendly, encouraging and informative.
  4. The Flexibility.  Even though after day 20th or so, it was not easy to write the posts since they focused more on published authors; it was good to have the option to write my own topics.
  5. The Length. One month was a good time frame to make this a real challenge!
As for improvements for the next challenge, the only thing I can think of is recruiting volunteers to help out with some tasks. I can't even imagine how much work Laura Orsini and Marcie Brock put in this challenge, but I am totally grateful they did!!


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